29 articles
Loyalty reward program overview
Enable Make a purchase activity
Establish Loyalty Redemption Points
Earn point activity for Refer a Friend
Create a loyalty page
Custom loyalty rewards page
Loyalty reward widgets
VIP Program (Tier System)
Reverse points redemption
Configure conditional points allocation
Configure loyalty points expiry
Add a thank-you widget to share on Facebook
Gift code configurations
Cart widget points
Create multiple discounts on product with discount type
Getting started with VIP tier program rewards and perks
Enable store credit on your store
Redeemed the points into store credit from the front store loyalty popup
Add store credit widget to the cart page
Set up a reminder for loyalty point expiry
Edit Loyalty point expiry reminder mail
Setup Loyalty template - 1
Setup Loyalty template - 2
Setup Loyalty template - 3
Setup Loyalty template - 4
Setup Loyalty template - 5
Setup Loyalty template - 6
Enable Loyalty-Refer a Friend popup and Change the Refer a Friend Popup image
Migrate to the new Order Status page app block for the 'Share on Thank You Page' activity in Loyalty Rewards.