Empower your store with a seamless store credit system, allowing customers to earn and redeem credits for their purchases! Enabling store credit on your store not only enhances customer loyalty but also provides a convenient and flexible way for shoppers to return, repurchase, and engage more with your brand. Discover how simple it is to set up store credit and start creating a rewarding shopping experience that keeps customers coming back.
Note📝: To know more about store credit - Click here.
Here are the steps to enable store credit on your store -:
Step 1: Go to Loyalty rewards >> Set up program >> Redeem points
Note📝: If you have installed it after 12/11/2024, You have to follow step 2 else skip the step
Step 2: Click on Allow permission
Step 3: Click on Store credit and set the settings as per your need.
Enter Points Equivalent to 1 Unit of Currency: Define the conversion rate for store credits.
Note📝: We recommend keeping the higher point-to-store credit conversion ratio to prevent the misuse of the store credit. For example: 10 or 50 or 100 ponts = $1 (Your store currency amount).
Minimum Points to Redeem: Set a minimum threshold of points required for redemption.
Maximum Points Redeemable Per Day: Limit the daily redemption amount to control credit usage with business goals.
No Expiration: Offer store credits that never expire to allow customers flexibility in redeeming their points whenever it suits them.
Set Expiration Duration (in Days): Set the expiry date of store credit
Shop Credit Title: Customize the title displayed on the front store to match your brand’s tone and make it easy for customers to locate the credit section.
Description: Add a clear, engaging description explaining the credit redemption process.
Note📝: There are the following points to be noted and the store credit should be visible if it satisfies the points below -:
1.) The store credit widget will only be visible when the customer is logged in
2.) The customer must satisfy the conditions of minimum points, maximum points, and available points to be redeemed.
3.) Customer must not be blocked into the loyalty program.
4.) The store credit assigned must be redeemed in full at once; partial redemption is not allowed.
Now, The Store credit option will be available in the Loyalty popup.