24 articles
Manually adjust Loyalty Points
Loyalty reports - to track the loyalty rewards earned by customers
Export loyalty points
Create and export a loyalty points balance sheet
Loyalty points based on tags
Giveaway of loyalty points on newsletter signup and customer tags
Assign loyalty points based on customer tags
Import Loyalty points from a CSV File
Language configuration for Loyalty rewards
Change date format for Loyalty and SMS
How To Find Product ID?
Establishment & configuration of Shopify POS
Enable/disable activity rules
Create a free product reward
Configuration of theme to show points balance
Block and unblock members from loyalty points
How the guest customer will get create an account activity points?
Reward customers leaving photo or video review
Discount code report
Display and Customize the Earn Points Widget
Loyalty point custom code - for collection page and product variant change
The reason why customers didn't receive points
Give Loyalty point when purchasing a membership
Exclude earn reward on product on sale