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Language configuration for Loyalty rewards
Language configuration for Loyalty rewards
Updated over a week ago


In this article, we'll explore how to customize and adjust the language settings for your Loyalty Rewards Program. Tailoring the language ensures that your loyalty program communicates effectively with your customers, enhancing their experience and engagement with your brand.

Here are the steps to edit the language for Loyalty Rewards Program:

Step 2. In this panel, simply change the input English text into your own language, and once done, click the save button at the bottom of the page.

Step 3. Once done, head over to Loyalty Rewards > Display on Store

Step 4. You can then change the Panel text, Button text, Help texts, and more, from the panel settings window. Once done click save.

🚨Do not change anything that appears in, e.g. if the text says do not change or reword this as this is a shortcode bringing in data from elsewhere. You may, however, reposition this at your convenience.


💡Tips for Loyalty Reward Program

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