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Setup Product And Store Reviews
Updated over a week ago


AiTrillion can make it easy for you to build trust and credibility for your products and your store, through valuable feedback and insights gained from its Reviews module. Learn how to set it up today!

Watch a quick video to learn more about product reviews in AiTrillion:

Here are the steps to set up and store reviews:

Step 1: Enable the Review Module: Click on Product Reviews > Dashboard > Enable the button

Step 2: Customize the review program by updating the review settings and customizing the review button. To do this, navigate to Product Reviews > Settings > General Settings. If you want to show the product and site review button, enable the button. When done, remember to save the settings!

Refer to this article to learn more about how to customize the site review button.

Here are some Review Widget help topics you can take a look at:


💡Tips for Product & Site review

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