Setup Referral Offer
Updated over a week ago


Unlock growth potential by implementing a referral program. Learn how to set up enticing referral offers to incentivize customers and advocates, driving organic traffic and boosting sales. Setup referral offers in the affiliate program to incentivize every referral account sent.

Step 2. Click on the Create Referral Offer button in the top right corner.

Step 3. Create a discount rule by filling out the form and clicking on the Save button at the bottom.

Step 4. The created discount rule will show up in the list.

Note📝: The discount rule can not be edited once created.

Step 5. The affiliate can create a discount based on the rule created by you.

Note📝: Affiliate can create their code or generate a random number by clicking on the Generate Discount Code link.

Step 6. The discount generated by the affiliates will show in the list.


💡Tips for Affiliate Program

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