Watch the Quick Video below to set up
Follow the below steps to install and set up the Recurring Membership Module :-
Membership Module Integration Steps
This article will show you how to set up a membership module in your Shopify storefront, create recurring membership plans, and set up the store. Follow the steps below to get started.
Step 1: Open Membership module Dashboard >> Click on Plans.
3. From here, you can create membership plans.
FREE PLAN – Create this for free membership registrations.
PAID PLAN – Create this for either Recurring or One-time membership registrations.
Step 2. Create a Free or Paid Plan
Create a Free or Paid subscription plan
Step 2(a)
Create a free plan and additional details below
Step 2(b)
Create Paid Recurring Plan
First, connect your payment gateway. Goto Settings > Connect Payment Gateway
Refer to this article to learn more about How to Connect PayPal Payment Gateway
Refer to this article to learn more about How to Connect Stripe Payment Gateway
Now go to Plans > Add Paid Plan
Then add other plan details
Plan Name: Your plan name for internal use.
Plan Tag: It will get assigned to the Shopify customer who will subscribe to any particular plan.
Plan Interval: A membership plan of a particular time interval will be created.
Currency code: The currency code of the plan amount can be added.
Plan Amount: The amount for membership can be added here.Step 3: Setup form fields
Create a custom form for the members to capture the required details from customers when they sign up for membership. Use drag and drop Membership form.
Here, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Password are Shopify mandatory fields for creating a customer so these can’t be removed or deleted. You can add other required fields in the form that needs to be filled by customers in the form while subscription.
Step 4: Settings
Settings for the form Customize and design the settings of form and membership buttons from here. You can also integrate the plan with MailChimp.
Step 5. Show/Hide pages, collection to members
Restricted Access: Show or hide specific collection, pages, add to cart button, price, and blog to specific subscribed members only. All rules you create will be applied to only the subscribed members of this plan only.
Refer to this article to learn more about how to set up a restricted page.
Refer to this article to learn more about how to set up restrictions on the Product Price and the Add to Cart button.
Step 6: Recurring members order
Members Order: Select products to be ordered on every membership renewal. It can be a recurring order or single order.
Step 7. Members product Discount
Members Product Discount: Set up a collection-wise discount for the members of the store. For example: Give Wholesale members 20% off on selected collections.
Step 8. Embed code for the membership form
Embed Code: Once you save the above details, you will see this embed code field. You need to add this shortcode on the member page in Shopify editor mode.
Button Code: Use this code, if you just need a button on your page, and on click, it will open the form in a popup.
Form Code: Use this code, if you want to show a direct form on a page, and also you can edit the HTML version for the designing purpose.
Add Short-codes in theme liquid files(Mandatory)
Step 1: Go to Online store > Themes > Click Actions and duplicate your theme for backup.
Step 2. Search for aaa snippets, If any of the snippets don’t exist then add it.
(a) Create a new snippet.
(b) Enter the correctly spelt snippet name without .liquid.
(c). Create snippet.
(d) Copy and paste the code found in the below files respectively.
Account page code:
<div class="aaa-success-msg-account"></div><div class="aaa-error-msg-account"></div><div class="aaa_customer_all_plan_listing" data-customer-email="{{ }}" data-customer-id="{{ }}"> </div> <script> function isMyMembershipScriptLoaded() { var url = ''; var jsFound = 0; var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var i = scripts.length; i--;) { if (scripts[i].src == url) { jsFound = 1; } } if(!jsFound) { var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var jqTag = document.createElement('script'); jqTag.type = 'text/javascript'; jqTag.src = url; jqTag.onload = ''; headTag.appendChild(jqTag); } } isMyMembershipScriptLoaded(); </script>
Dawn theme membership code:
Note: The code has to be added to the theme.liquid above or below the main - <main> tag
{% if template == 'blog' %}
{% include 'aaa_mem_helper' with 'blog' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template == 'collection' %}
{% include 'aaa_mem_helper' with 'collection' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template == "page" %}
{% include 'aaa_mem_helper' with 'page' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template == "product" %}
{% include 'aaa-product-page-filter' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template == "cart" %}
<script> function isMyMembershipScriptLoaded() { var url = ''; var jsFound = 0; var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var i = scripts.length; i--;) { if (scripts[i].src == url) { jsFound = 1; } } if(!jsFound) { var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var jqTag = document.createElement('script'); jqTag.type = 'text/javascript'; jqTag.src = url; jqTag.onload = ''; headTag.appendChild(jqTag); } } isMyMembershipScriptLoaded(); </script><script src=""></script>
function aaanewcartmethod() {}
(function($) {
$(document).on("submit", "#cart, form[action='/cart']", function() {
var aaashopurl = "";
var aaamembershipurl = "";
var note = $("textarea[name=note]").val();
if(note != undefined && note != null){
url: '/cart/update.js',
type: 'POST',
data: {note: note},
success: function(result) {
//console.log('cart note = '+result);
error: function(jqxhr, status, exception) {
url: "/cart.js",
dataType: "json",
success: function (cart) {
if (cart.items.length) {
var cusId = $("#aaamembership_customer_logged_id").val();
var ajax_url = aaamembershipurl + "memberAjaxFormSubmit.php";
var dataform = { formAction: "generateDraftOrder", customer_id: cusId, domain: aaashopurl, cart: cart };
crossDomain: !0,
url: ajax_url,
method: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: dataform,
success: function (response) {
if (response.status == "success") {
window.location.href = response.redirecturl;
} else {
window.location.href = "https://"+aaashopurl+"/cart/checkout";
} else {
return false;
{% endif %}Ajaxify cart page :
<script> function isMyMembershipScriptLoaded() { var url = ''; var jsFound = 0; var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var i = scripts.length; i--;) { if (scripts[i].src == url) { jsFound = 1; } } if(!jsFound) { var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var jqTag = document.createElement('script'); jqTag.type = 'text/javascript'; jqTag.src = url; jqTag.onload = ''; headTag.appendChild(jqTag); } } isMyMembershipScriptLoaded(); </script><script src=""></script>
function aaanewcartmethod() {}
(function($) {
$(document).on("submit", "form[action='/cart']", function (event) {
var aaashopurl = "";
var aaamembershipurl = "";
url: "/cart.js",
dataType: "json",
success: function (cart) {
if (cart.items.length) {
var cusId = $("#aaamembership_customer_logged_id").val();
var ajax_url = aaamembershipurl + "memberAjaxFormSubmit.php";
var dataform = { formAction: "generateDraftOrder", customer_id: cusId, domain: aaashopurl, cart: cart };
crossDomain: !0,
url: ajax_url,
method: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: dataform,
success: function (response) {
if (response.status == "success") {
window.location.href = response.redirecturl;
} else {
window.location.href = "https://"+aaashopurl+"/cart/checkout";
} else {
return false;
</script>Add into the theme.liquid at the end of the <body> tag
{% if customer %}<div class="aaa_customer_id" hidden> {{ }}</div>{% endif %}<input type="hidden" id="656565115116111114101" data-customer-id="{{ }}" data-customer-email="{{ }}" data-customer-name="{{ customer.first_name }} {{ customer.last_name }}"/><input type="hidden" name="aaamembership_customer_logged_id" value="{{}}" id="aaamembership_customer_logged_id">
Add into theme.liquid at the end of the <head> tag
<script> if (typeof jQuery == "undefined") { var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var jqTag = document.createElement("script"); jqTag.type = "text/javascript"; jqTag.src = ""; jqTag.onload = ""; headTag.prepend(jqTag) }</script><script src="//"></script>
{% for product_collection in product.collections %}
{% comment %}This snippet is generated and updated by aaa Memberships.{% endcomment %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% assign aaa_item_type = 'product'%}
{% for aaa_rule in product_collection.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: aaa_rule.first %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in product.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% if aaa_rule.last== 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: aaa_rule.first %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in product_collection.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% assign aaa_rule_first = aaa_rule.first | downcase | strip %}
{% assign newcustomer_tag = customer_tag | downcase | strip %}
{% if newcustomer_tag == aaa_rule_first %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: customer_tag %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in product.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% if customer_tag == aaa_rule.first %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: customer_tag %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor%}
{% comment %}This snippet is generated and updated by aaa Memberships.{% endcomment %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% assign aaa_item_type = 'blog'%}
{% for aaa_rule in blog.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% if aaa_rule.last contains 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in blog.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% assign aaa_rule_first = aaa_rule.first | downcase | strip %}
{% assign newcustomer_tag = customer_tag | downcase | strip %}
{% if newcustomer_tag == aaa_rule_first %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="page-width" style="text-align:center;">
<p style="text-align: center;padding:40px;"> This is a "Members only" {{aaa_item_type}}. Either you do not have access or you are not logged in.</p>
{% comment %}This snippet is generated and updated by aaa Memberships.{% endcomment %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% assign aaa_item_type = 'page'%}
{% for aaa_rule in page.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% if aaa_rule.last contains 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in page.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% assign d_customer_tag = customer_tag | downcase | strip %}
{% assign d_aaa_rule_first = aaa_rule.first | downcase | strip %}
{% if d_customer_tag == d_aaa_rule_first %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %}This snippet is generated and updated by aaa Memberships.{% endcomment %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% assign aaa_item_type = 'product'%}
{% for aaa_rule in product.collections.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: aaa_rule.first %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in product.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% if aaa_rule.last== 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: aaa_rule.first %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in product.collections.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% assign aaa_rule_first = aaa_rule.first | downcase | strip %}
{% assign newcustomer_tag = customer_tag | downcase | strip %}
{% if newcustomer_tag == aaa_rule_first %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: customer_tag %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in product.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% if customer_tag == aaa_rule.first %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: customer_tag %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{%comment %}This snippet is generated and updated by aaa Memberships. any changes will be overridden when the Store Owner saves a Plan in the app.{%endcomment%}
{% assign aaa_membership_partial_redirect = false %}
{% assign aaa_membership_full_redirect = false %}
{% assign mem_current_template = template %}
{%if aaa_membership_partial_redirect == true %}
top.location = (window.location.href + "?view={{aaa_membership_template}}");
{% if aaa_membership_full_redirect == true %}
aaa_url = window.location.href
top.location = aaa_url.split("?view=")[0];
{%comment %}This snippet is generated and updated by aaa Memberships. any changes will be overridden when the Store Owner saves a Plan in the app.{%endcomment%}
{% assign aaa_membership_partial_redirect = false %}
{% assign aaa_membership_full_redirect = false %}
{% assign mem_current_template = template %}
{%if aaa_membership_partial_redirect == true %}
top.location = (window.location.href + "?view={{aaa_membership_template}}");
{% if aaa_membership_full_redirect == true %}
aaa_url = window.location.href
top.location = aaa_url.split("?view=")[0];
<!--Cart Rule-->
{% assign aaa_cart_hide_item = false %}
{% assign aaa_item_type = 'product'%}
{% for aaa_rule in shop.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% assign key_wrd = aaa_rule.last | split: ',' %}
{% if key_wrd.last == "show" %} <!--Means show anly when login-->
{% assign aaa_cart_hide_item = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in shop.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% assign key_wrd = aaa_rule.last | split: ',' %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% if customer_tag == key_wrd.first %}
{% if key_wrd.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_cart_hide_item = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if key_wrd.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_cart_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<!--Price Rule-->
{% assign aaa_price_hide_item = false %}
{% assign aaa_item_type = 'product'%}
{% for aaa_rule in shop.metafields.aaa_mem_price %}
{% assign key_wrd = aaa_rule.last | split: ',' %}
{% if key_wrd.last == "show" %} <!--Means show anly when login-->
{% assign aaa_price_hide_item = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in shop.metafields.aaa_mem_price %}
{% assign key_wrd = aaa_rule.last | split: ',' %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% if customer_tag == key_wrd.first %}
{% if key_wrd.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_price_hide_item = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if key_wrd.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_price_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for product_collection in product.collections %}
{% comment %}This snippet is generated and updated by aaa Memberships.{% endcomment %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% assign aaa_item_type = 'product'%}
{% for aaa_rule in product_collection.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: aaa_rule.first %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in product.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% if aaa_rule.last== 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: aaa_rule.first %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in product_collection.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% assign aaa_rule_first = aaa_rule.first | downcase | strip %}
{% assign newcustomer_tag = customer_tag | downcase | strip %}
{% if newcustomer_tag == aaa_rule_first %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: customer_tag %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in product.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% if customer_tag == aaa_rule.first %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess-' | append: customer_tag %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor%}
{% if aaa_hide_item == true %}
{% include 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_mem_helper == 'product' %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-template' %}
{% if aaa_membership_partial_redirect != true and aaa_membership_full_redirect != true %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-product' %}
{% if aaa_hide_item == true %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_mem_helper == 'collection' %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-template' %}
{% if aaa_membership_partial_redirect != true and aaa_membership_full_redirect != true %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-collection' %}
{% if aaa_hide_item == true %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_mem_helper == 'page' %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-template' %}
{% if aaa_membership_partial_redirect != true and aaa_membership_full_redirect != true %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-page' %}
{% if aaa_hide_item == true %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_mem_helper == 'article' %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-template' %}
{% if aaa_membership_partial_redirect != true and aaa_membership_full_redirect != true %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-article' %}
{% if aaa_hide_item == true %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_mem_helper == 'blog' %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-template' %}
{% if aaa_membership_partial_redirect != true and aaa_membership_full_redirect != true %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-blog' %}
{% if aaa_hide_item == true %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_mem_helper == 'search' %}
{% assign product = item %}
{%include 'aaa-memberships-product' %}
{% if aaa_hide_item == true %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}This snippet is generated and updated by aaa Memberships.{% endcomment %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% assign aaa_item_type = 'blog'%}
{% for aaa_rule in blog.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% if aaa_rule.last contains 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for aaa_rule in blog.metafields.aaa_mem %}
{% for customer_tag in customer.tags %}
{% if customer_tag == aaa_rule.first %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'hide' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = true %}
{% assign aaa_noaccess_snippet = 'aaa-memberships-noaccess' %}
{% endif %}
{% if aaa_rule.last == 'show' %}
{% assign aaa_hide_item = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if template == 'blog' %}
{% include 'aaa_mem_helper' with 'blog' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template == 'article' %}
{% include 'aaa_mem_helper' with 'blog' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template == 'collection' %}
{% include 'aaa_mem_helper' with 'collection' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template contains "page" %}
{% include 'aaa_mem_helper' with 'page' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template == "product" %}
{% include 'aaa-product-page-filter' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template contains 'page' %}
{% include 'aaa_mem_helper' with 'page' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template contains 'blog' or template contains 'article' %}
{% include 'aaa_mem_helper' with 'blog' %}
{% endif %}
{% if template contains 'collection' %}
{% include 'aaa_mem_helper' with 'collection' %}
{% endif %}
{{ content_for_layout }}