Conditional logic makes your form dynamic and more efficient, If you want to show or hide certain fields based on the user input, you can easily use conditional logic for this.
Form Builder gives you three types of conditional logic to make your form dynamic:-
Show/Hide Field
Change Email Recipient
Conditional Redirect
Show/Hide Field: Add dynamic field conditions to show or hide a specific field based on user input.
Follow the below steps to setup Conditional logic -:
Step 1: Go to Form Builder >> Dashboard.
Step 2: Add a new form or edit an existing form.
Step 3: Navigate to Form Settings -> Conditions -> Show / Hide Field
Step 4: Click on the Add a new condition button
Step 5: Select a field from the IF drop-down list. You will see all the fields that are available in your form on which conditions can be applied.
Step 6: Select a condition from the STATE field. Following options are available
Is Equal To
Is Not Equal To
Does Not Contain
Is Empty
Is Filled
Step 7: Enter a Value to check with
Step 8: Select the Action you want to perform (show or hide) and Select the Field which you want to show or hide
Step 9: After creating a new condition, click on the Save button to save the settings.
Example: If you want to show the Submit field only when the user selects Yes from the dropdown then you create a condition like below
IF Want to submit?
STATE Is Equal To
DO Show
FIELD Submit
Note📝: You can create multiple IF conditions, and multiple Do actions based on your requirements
Conditional logic makes your form easier and more efficient, If you want to show or hide certain fields and pages in your form, you can easily use conditional logic for this. Here’s a video on how conditional logic will work.