You can add Embed Codes in 2 different ways:
1. Iframe Mode
Step 1: It is easy to add and you can paste the code directly on the page. Get embed code from the dashboard.
Step 2: Get the copied code and select a page from the Shopify admin dashboard, where you want to show the form.
Step 3: Paste the code in HTML editor of the page and save.
If you made any changes on the form after adding the Embed code, you don’t need to update the code again.
2. HTML Mode
Step:1 Copy the HTML code of your form from the app dashboard.
Step 2: Go to the Shopify admin dashboard and Add or select page.
Step 3: Insert HTML code and save the changes.
Remember, you will have to copy and paste the HTML code. Whenever you want to make any changes to the same page. Kindly watch this video It will help you to understand “ How to generate HTML code and place in Shopify store“.